The human mind evolved with stories and is shaped by them. Good storytelling can motivate people to do incredible things and is a tremendous advantage in communication. Education and learning are no exception. The world of storytelling is a vast one. It covers the entire world and everything in it, and every century in which there is a record of storytelling having taken place. There is no known culture without some form of storytelling, and the craving to know “what comes next” has been felt by every human being, regardless of age, gender, culture, or century.
Stories also can be used for educational purposes. Storytelling provides other growth opportunities, as stories help listeners to see through another’s eyes and to share the protagonist’s feelings of anger, fear, or love—all from a safe place. Perhaps best of all, stories stretch the imagination. The teller takes the listener to distant places where remarkable things happen. And once stretched, an imagination stays stretched.
Within this project we aim to use the power of stories to ignite creativity in adults and develop their resilience skills and capacity to come up with innovative solutions for different challenges.
For this, 2 Intellectual Outputs will be developed:
IO1: Research and Collection of Stories
Each partner will make a research at local level (regional, national) and collect at least 15 stories that have meaning within the project objectives. The stories will be “tested” with groups of adults at local level – testing that they do have a meaning and they trigger feelings and behaviours.
IO2: Training Course Modules
The training course aim to capacitate adult educators to use storytelling in developing adults creativity, resilience and promote the social inclusion of vulnerable groups. There will be 6 modules for this training course.
To get more information, visit our project website.
Our Partners

August Vermeylenfonds
Vermeylenfonds vzw, The August Vermeylenfonds is a cultural association that existed since 1946. In those days, Vermeylenfonds was founded by a group of freethinkers and humanists who wanted to preserve and keep alive the writings and ideas of August Vermeylen, former and humanists who wanted to preserve and keep alive the writings and ideas of August Vermeylen, former professor, university rector and important voice in the world of Flemish literature and culture. Flemish literature and culture.

Contemporary Pleven Media Foundation (CPMF) was founded in Pleven in 2014. Its team consists of journalism and humanitarian educated people and volunteers. CPMF is the successor of the regional daily newspaper “Posrednik”, published from 1991 to 2015, which now, as an online medium, continues the newspaper’s mission to be a driver of public processes

The European Institute for Local Development (EILD), was founded in 2009 as an independent non-governmental organization whose members are European citizens, entities and organizations devoted on supporting regional development activities and transnational collaboration. The General Committee consists of local development stakeholders and industry leaders from various sectors and European Member States: academics, NGOs, development agents, association managers, civil servants, and social economy companies, as well as European organizations for local development
More About The Project
In this video we can see Dr. Neli Stefanova, a specialist psychiatrist from Bulgaria, who shared with us three stories, showing how sometimes seemingly small things can really transform people, give them back hope, desire and joy to live fully. She told us three real stories about how art, how a good example and how chance meetings can change three different lives. She started with a woman’s life, then a retired man and last her neighbour.
The purpose of the “Power of Stories” project is precisely the telling of stories to develop creativity, improve self-esteem and promote the social inclusion of vulnerable groups.
Thanks to Dr. Stefanova for sharing with us these three stories!
Our partner Augoust Vermelylenfonds, from Belgium, has collected for our project This beatiful story.
It is because of stories like these that we are sure that the stories have the power to change our mind. Enjoy!!
Discover in this video some of the results of our investigation
- Use of storytelling as traditions in Europe (oral traditions)
- Stories to bring us closer. Stories to know the trajectory of immigrants
- Intergenerational conversations, critical thinking and different perspectives getting values
- How to change the mindsets of our community through storytelling