ERASMUS 2023-2-LT01-KA210-ADU-000185371
RECOVER: Rebuilding Educator Competences for Overcoming Vulnerabilities, Empowering Recovery;

Was created with the aim of developing an inclusive and diverse coaching method for adult educators, especially those who work with people in recovery.
The project was created in response to:

-Lack of inclusiveness and diversification in coaching methodologies for adults; it is necessary to develop methodologies that adapt to the personal diversity of individuals.

-Lack of competence on the part of educators, especially in the post-recovery phase where there is a widespread lack of training.

-Limited access to innovative remedial methods: Access to innovative recovery coaching methods and materials is often limited. This project aims to widen access to such resources for the benefit of people in recovery.

-Inadequate support for recovery: High relapse rates among people in recovery highlight the need to improve support systems.

The main target groups of this project are of course adult educators and adult education providers, but the project is also open to a general public; raising awareness among a broader public can lead to the breaking down of stereotypes

To get more information, visit our project website:

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